Monday, August 25, 2014

Is Mahabharata and Ramayana only for the Indian Hindus ???

Very recent comments in social media made me think about this... How can it be so? 

As far as I know, we Indians can be majorly categorized into 2* (on the basis of the 'so-called' religion): 
1. Around 80% of Indians who did not convert to any religion.
2. Around 20% of Indians who converted to other 'so called religions' (originated in India or elsewhere) including Sikhism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, etc.

While categorizing on the basis of religions, this 80% were called to be belonging to Hindu Religion - where as "Hindu" is a term for all of us - Indians. (Even there is a Supreme Court Verdict regarding the same).

And all of us - the 80% and 20% belonged to a set of people who practiced Sanatana Dharma. So, the Indian History is for all of us. Here, I do not mean the History of the people who came and ruled us - like the Mughals, Portugese, English, etc. The Indian History means that + history before that - the history of Vedic Society, the History of MahaBharata, the History of Ramayana, The Upanishads, etc. 

So, Mahabharata and Ramayana are for us - Indians, right ???

It is not just for the 80%. It is for 80% and 20%. - Or, why should we call and divide us as 80% and 20% ? We, 100% of India are Indians.

Most of us know what is the history described in Mahabharata and Ramayana. And could you find anywhere, that you should only pray to 'so and so' only? 
No !!! 
Whoever thinks you need an idol, pray to that idol and your prayer reaches the ParaBrahma, the Supreme Power who has no figure and face. Whoever thinks you do not need an idol to pray, can directly pray to ParaBrahma.. Even if you do not pray, it is okay as far you do not hurt any one else. 

So our Sanatana Dharma accommodate (i) atheists who don't pray, (ii) those who likes idol based worship, (iii) who doesn't like idol based worship. 

And from last year, I have started reading Bhagavad Gita understanding it through different commentaries written by knowledgeable people. Till now, I could not find a word mentioning a particular 'Religion' in it. Till now, I could not find any verse telling you to preach your religion. Till now, I could find no verse imposing any particular statement on the readers. 

So, How can Bhagavad Gita be a book for Only Indian Hindus? 
It may be a Holy book for the converted Hindus from western society. But, for us, Indians, it is our History, and we should be proud of it.

So Dear "Hindu religion followers", please do not think that Mahabharata and Ramayana are the History of Hindu religion only. It doesn't speak of any particular religion. Its all our History. 

Dear "Non-Hindu religion followers in India", 
you may have different Holy books in your religion which might have mentioned that you should only pray to one particular God, or it may mention about different messengers... Good! 
Follow them! But, your History or roots belong to India. And be proud that we have 5000+ years of civilization History. We have Mahabharata and Ramayana in our History. We have Bhagavad Gita, the scripture which talks in a clear and knowledgeable way about Dharma, Deeds, Power of Knowledge, etc. We had people like Susrutha and Charaka who were the Surgeons of ancient India (who lived in 6 Century BC) who talked about every minute detail of a Human body when there were no modern medical equipments and scanning devices. They even talked about how a baby grows in a mother's womb with details of the growth in every month. We have a history of Ayurveda. We had the worlds' first University (Nalanda University in 5 century AD) where people from different regions came to seek knowledge. Nalanda University is not a part of 'Hindu religion' history. It is ours. And even the language 'Sanksrit' is ours. We should be proud of all these!

And both 80% and 20% ..... Also, in recent India (in AD), a few regions in India practiced the Social evil named Sati practice, (it was practiced by the non-converted Indians and the Sikhs and Indian Muslims as well) - It is not our culture - it is a social evil. And we Indians fought against that. 

In Vedic Society, we had "4 Varnas" according to the profession we take - But later, like any idealistic practice, malpractices creeped into it and this was converted to the current 'Caste System'. Every malpractice has to be fought from within, and we have done it and we Indians should be proud of it. Among the Kerala Brahmins, V.T. Bhattathirippad fought for the Namboothiri Women, Ayyankali fought against the caste system prevailed then. Likewise, we should unite and fight against all the malpractices and social evils in India. Just know that all these come under our Indian History. We belong to the same blood - both 80% and 20%.

So - Mahabharata (including Bhagavad Gita which is a part of the Mahabharata) and Ramayana are for Indian Muslims, Indian Christians, the Indian 'Hindu Religion followers', Sikhs, etc. 

You cannot deny that fact. 
It doesn't ask you to change your method of prayer or worship. It talks about knowledge only. And be proud of it. Be proud of your roots. 

Though we belong to different 'worshipping methods or religions', our History is the same - Sanatana Dharma.

According to the Sanatana Dharma, you can reach ParaBrahma, the Supreme Power, through different means. Which means, you can pray to Allah, Jesus or Krishna and reach ParaBrahma. And this is the reason why the earlier Indian Kings and Indian people allowed all other religions to preach in India. Any one converted were not killed or excluded from society. 

(*There is another set of minority who came to India as refugees and later become Indians - Including Iranians, Israelis, etc. They later merged in to Indian culture after getting married to Indians.)

1 comment:

  1. Very well written, you have made your point here, thanks for sharing it with us. Will love to see more such posts from you on this
